ICAF Consulting is a boutique global services provider specializing in risk management, SOX compliance, fraud investigations and managed cybersecurity services. Our clients:
Small and medium-size businesses
Private and public enterprises
Local and global
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When we can help you
Numbers don't match and I suspect misappropriation;
Business is growing, and I need help to establish a system of internal controls;
I want hassle-free Sarbanes-Oxley compliance testing;
My business is supposed to have some cash sales, but for some reason it does not;
Cyber security scares me. I know I need it, but I don't know exactly what I need and how much it is going to cost me.
Call us for a free 15 minute consultation where we will walk through your case!
Free Consultation
Report and recommendations
Data Analytics to identify patterns
How business owners lose money: true stories
Customer was charged $100 for a service and left a $20 tip. Employee altered numbers to show $80 charge for a service and $40 for a tip. Customers did not notice since the total amount charged has not changed. And business owner never checked credit card sales slips.
Restaurant owner trusted his chef with inventory counts. Due to such unlimited trust, chef used the owner's products to run a successful catering business on the side. As inventory was counted by the same individual - numbers never showed a discrepancy.
Vendor submitted invoice "01" for services rendered. Next month, same vendor submitted invoice "02", and added a few original charges to the mix. This common scheme is called "padding".
Cash sales did not have receipts. These payments never made it to the register, but instead ended up in cashier's pocket. Cashier was smart and only did this trick on items that were hard to count (ex: soft drinks, draft beer).
Call us for a free 15 minute consultation where we will walk through your case!
Free Consultation
Your numbers are not where you think they should be, and you suspect misappropriation
You have more than one office and tired of spending 24/7 in all locations
You want to ensure that your main business functions are adequately segregated
Call us if:
Your SOX spending increases every year
You have not reviewed your vendor contracts and related invoices in the last 12 months
You received an email that said "Oops, all your files are now with us"
Call us for a free 15 minute consultation where we will walk through your case!